
Job Offer Pulled After Candidate Asked Questions: A Cautionary Tale from Singapore



In a shocking turn of events, a Singaporean candidate had his job offer revoked just hours after he signed the contract and resigned from his current position. On September 20, the candidate shared his experience on the r/askSingapore subreddit, revealing how a straightforward inquiry about employee benefits led to this unexpected fallout.

The Job Offer Saga

The saga began when he received an official job offer from a local company on a Tuesday. Eager to ensure that he understood the terms of employment, the candidate took the time to read through the contract thoroughly and posed several important questions to the company. Notably, he inquired about the possibility of carrying over unused annual leave and whether there were any additional benefits, like dental insurance or gym allowances.

Satisfied with the answers he received, he took the leap of faith to sign the contract and submitted his resignation to his current employer, looking forward to embarking on this new chapter of his career. Unfortunately, his excitement was short-lived. Just hours after the signed contract was submitted, the company reached out with the surprising news that the job offer had been retracted.

Seeking Clarification

Feeling bewildered and let down, the candidate sought clarification from both the recruiter and the company. To his dismay, he learned that their decision to withdraw the offer was linked to the questions he had previously asked about employment benefits. This revelation left him questioning the legitimacy of the company's practices and their standards for communication.

Community Support

The online community quickly rallied around him, with many sharing similar experiences of job offers being rescinded, although such incidents are relatively rare. One Redditor recounted their own experience, stating, "It's becoming more common now, and unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it. My only recourse was to leave reviews online warning others about the company." Another commenter reflected, "Asking too many questions seems to threaten hiring managers sometimes. Looking back, I'm grateful I didn’t end up working there!"

Lack of Accountability

Insights from the discussions highlighted the lack of accountability among employers when it comes to rescinding offers. While not all companies operate in this manner, the individual noted that until an official start date, there are few repercussions for employers when they withdraw a job offer.

Some Redditors suggested that the candidate might consider rescinding his resignation from his current job to maintain employment while he searched for a more reliable opportunity. "Unfortunately, there may be no other option than to go back or keep looking for something else," advised one supportive user.


This unfortunate incident echoes a larger issue in the job market, where candidates may feel pressured to accept offers without fully understanding the implications or asking necessary questions. It's a reminder for job seekers everywhere to tread carefully in their pursuit of new opportunities and to seek clarity to avoid unexpected pitfalls.