
How Singapore's Prime Minister Foresees a New Economic Era Driven by Security: Temasek's Role in the Future



In a pivotal address delivered at Temasek's 50th anniversary dinner in Singapore, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong underscored a significant shift in global economic dynamics. On September 23, Wong articulated how economic activities are increasingly assessed through a 'security lens,' reflecting a broader trend influenced by geopolitical tensions between superpowers.

According to PM Wong, the worldwide landscape has transformed dramatically, with rising protectionism, increased state intervention in business, and a pressing need to reconfigure supply chains to prioritize security. “The pendulum of economic thinking has swung to the other extreme,” he remarked, highlighting concerns that nations are prioritizing national resilience over previously cherished ideals of free trade.

Navigating Challenging Waters

Wong emphasized that while challenging times are ahead, Singapore will carve out its path in this new milieu. He hailed Temasek, a state investment firm critical to Singapore's growth, as a steadfast partner that embodies resilience and adaptability.

Founded in 1974 amid the economic uncertainty following the British military withdrawal, Temasek has been a key player in Singapore's industrialization. The company began with an initial portfolio of 35 state-owned enterprises, and has since evolved into an institution crucial for the nation’s economic strategy and growth.

Today, Temasek is not only synonymous with Singapore’s success but also a global player that has adapted to changing market demands. Wong noted that the firm transformed major players like DBS Bank and Singapore Airlines into leaders within their sectors, contributing to job creation and economic stability.

The New Security Paradigm

As the geopolitical landscape shifts, Wong warned of emerging complexities such as technology restrictions and a surge in security-driven economic policies. "Countries are increasingly wary of letting their manufacturing capabilities hinge on foreign dependencies," he noted, pointing to the pandemic as an example where nations struggled to secure essential supplies like masks and ventilators.

This evolving atmosphere of 'zero-sum thinking' could lead to more discord and protectionist policies, Wong cautioned. “We must adapt,” he insisted, emphasizing the need for Singapore to remain an open and trusted partner in trade and investment.

Looking Ahead: Temasek’s Future

As Temasek charts its next phase of transformation, PM Wong highlighted the importance of maintaining values like integrity, discipline, and trustworthiness — qualities that establish Singapore and Temasek's competitive edge in a volatile world. He also acknowledged the firm’s commitment to 'doing well, but also doing right and doing good,' which is vital for long-term sustainable development.

In a show of support, he expressed gratitude towards Temasek’s board members, past and present, who have contributed to shaping the institution into what it is today. Notably, Wong confirmed that the government maintains a hands-off approach in investment decisions, allowing Temasek the autonomy to focus on its strategic objectives.

A Vision for the Future

Looking toward 2024, Temasek has set ambitious goals, including a S$150 million fund aimed at skills training and talent development, alongside S$100 million earmarked for climate action projects. This progressive mindset reaffirms Temasek's role not only as a financial entity but also as a crucial actor in addressing global challenges.

As the world faces tumultuous times dominated by the interplay of economic strategies, security concerns, and geopolitical rivalries, Wong's message serves as a clarion call for resilience, innovation, and thoughtful navigation of the complexities that lie ahead.

Stay tuned, as the decisions made today will shape tomorrow's global economic landscape significantly!