
How Preschools are Mastering Healthy Meals Amidst Rising Food Prices - Secrets Revealed!



In a world where food prices are skyrocketing, some preschools are rising to the challenge, proving it is possible to serve healthy meals without breaking the bank. A prime example is EtonHouse International, which boasts six central kitchens catering to 37 preschools across Singapore. The meals produced in these kitchens adhere strictly to nutritional guidelines set forth by the Health Promotion Board, which emphasize a diet rich in proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

EtonHouse International's Approach

EtonHouse International Education Group's CEO, Ng Yi-Xian, explained that they incorporate at least 30 different types of vegetables into their rotating monthly menu. "From a child's perspective, they only see one menu item once every month. We meticulously control the sugar and carbohydrate content to align with healthy eating standards," he stated. Despite facing a 10% increase in food costs over recent years, the preschool has tackled this challenge by employing a competitive tender process to secure high-quality, safe ingredients.

EtonHouse also conducts regular kitchen inspections to ensure that food preparation is safe for the children. "The well-being of our children is paramount," Mr. Ng emphasized. "If we want them to grow up healthy, we must provide the right nutritional needs."

Sunny Bunny Montessori's Strategy

At another facility, Sunny Bunny Montessori, head cook Lim Choon Huay prepares meals on-site, closely monitoring the salt and sugar levels. The school has made a conscious effort to hire experienced cooks, which aids in meeting the nutritional requirements for the children. To optimize costs, staff members have taken to visiting local wet markets weekly, allowing them to source seasonal fruits directly and avoid delivery fees.

Rebecca See, a teacher at Sunny Bunny, noted that the prices of staple foods such as eggs, vegetables, and meat have surged by 10 to 20% due to inflation. "We remain committed to ensuring high nutritional value in the food we provide," she said. "We actively seek suppliers who adhere to the freshness and quality standards we demand."

Advocating Healthy Eating Habits

In addition to overseeing meal quality, many preschools are also implementing lessons aimed at fostering healthy eating habits among their little ones. This holistic approach ensures that children not only consume nutritious meals but also learn the importance of a balanced diet.

Is Relief on the Horizon?

In a glimmer of hope, preschools may soon find some relief in the form of stabilizing food costs. Recent data indicates that food inflation has slowed as global prices begin to drop. A strong Singapore dollar is helping to alleviate imported inflation, which is good news for preschools facing budgeting challenges.

As of July 2023, staple items like wholemeal bread have remained relatively stable in price, dipping slightly from their peaks earlier in the year. Similarly, chicken and milk prices have shown minor fluctuations, with some recent decreases suggesting a trend toward more affordable food options.

Economist Chua Han Teng from DBS Bank anticipates that the moderation of global food prices will continue, provided there are no significant disruptions in the supply chain. “We expect food inflation to be kept in check for the remainder of 2024 as the Singapore dollar strengthens against other currencies,” he remarked.


This reality serves as a reminder that even in challenging economic times, with creativity and dedication, institutions can uphold the nutritional needs of the most vulnerable members of society—our children! Keep an eye on these preschools, as they set an incredible example of innovation and commitment to health and wellbeing amidst adversity!