
How One Singaporean Employee Faced Backlash for Arriving Too Early at Work!


Incident Overview

SINGAPORE: In a rather peculiar turn of events, a Singaporean employee shared his shocking experience online after receiving a reprimand from his boss for coming to work too early. This incident has sparked discussions on workplace culture and expectations within flexible work arrangements.

Employee's Perspective

Taking to the Reddit community on r/askSingapore, the user recounted how he enjoys arriving at the office ahead of the usual nine-to-five rush. He finds that the tranquility of the early hours allows him to concentrate better on his tasks, free from the distractions that typically arise as the day progresses. According to him, the office atmosphere later in the morning can become quite chaotic, primarily due to his boss’s loud conversations that resonate throughout their small workspace.

Policy and Management Reaction

Despite the company’s flexible policy, where employees can choose to start their day anytime between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM, the employee's efforts to maximize productivity were met with disapproval. His boss insisted on him showing up at 9:30 AM, posing a rather baffling question: "Come so early for what? No one is here. No teamwork. It is the same as working from home."

Community Reactions

This unusual situation led the employee to seek insights from others, inquiring whether anyone had similarly encountered complaints about being too early to work. Responses flooded in, with fellow Redditors sharing their own surprises regarding management’s perspectives. Many expressed disbelief that a boss would rather criticize an employee's initiative than celebrate it.

Suggestions from Reddit Community

One user humorously speculated that the boss might be envious of the employee's dedication and drive. Another pointedly noted how absurd it was for the boss to disregard a policy he himself had set, suggesting that establishing a solid working rhythm before the day becomes hectic is advantageous for productivity.

Coping Strategies

In an attempt to provide some coping strategies, a third Redditor suggested a diplomatic approach. They encouraged the employee to have an open conversation with the boss about the benefits of an early start and how it could prevent sitting in rush-hour traffic. If the boss remained inflexible, they advised considering a change of jobs, emphasizing mental health as a priority.

Broader Implications

Through this unexpected interaction, the employee not only highlighted his personal work habits but also opened up a larger conversation about workplace dynamics in Singapore. The incident illustrates the need for dialogue around flexible work policies and how they are interpreted by management, especially in a culture that increasingly values both productivity and employee well-being.


As this story circulates, it serves as a reminder that modern workplaces must adapt to the evolving needs and habits of their teams. Could this be a sign of a deeper issue within corporate cultures that prioritize face time over effectiveness? Only time will tell.