
How Early PSA Testing Saved a Colorado Man’s Life from Prostate Cancer



At the youthful age of 63, John Goodman embodies health and vitality in Vail, Colorado. Committed to his fitness, he enjoys a mix of activities including surfing, yoga, cycling, and snowboarding, exercising six days a week without ever touching a cigarette.

Proactive Health Monitoring

Goodman has always been proactive about his health, which includes closely monitoring his PSA—prostate-specific antigen—levels. This yearly blood test is crucial, as higher levels can indicate an increased risk of prostate cancer. “My doctor advised me that if my PSA exceeds four or increases by more than one point in a year, we’d need to take further action,” Goodman recalls. In his 50s, his PSA levels began to rise subtly, eventually reaching 4.2 at age 59.

Seeking Answers

When normal protocol might suggest waiting for another year to retest, Goodman’s legal background empowered him to seek immediate answers. Following an MRI that hinted at a potential tumor, he was referred to Dr. Paul Maroni at the University of Colorado Cancer Center.

Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment

In early 2021, Dr. Maroni conducted a precise fusion biopsy, integrating MRI with ultrasound imaging to identify any problematic areas.

“The fusion biopsy utilizes cutting-edge technology to directly target potential cancerous areas,” explains Dr. Maroni, who serves as an associate professor of surgery at CU’s School of Medicine. This advanced technique ultimately enabled a proper diagnosis and facilitated a targeted treatment pathway for Goodman.

Navigating Anxiety

However, the days leading up to his cancer surgery were fraught with anxiety for Goodman, as he grappled with fears regarding the implications for his health, mental well-being, and sexual function. “I felt overwhelmed. I had concerns that the surgery could be life-threatening or affect my quality of life,” he admits. Conversations with his therapist and wife proved crucial in helping him navigate this challenging time.

Surgical Success

Dr. Maroni, drawing from his extensive experience, used MRI imaging both for the biopsy and to guide the actual surgery. This careful planning allowed the surgical team to make informed decisions about nerve-sparing techniques, ultimately protecting Goodman’s erectile function.

Fortunately for Goodman, the surgery was successful; it eradicated the cancer without the need for radiation or chemotherapy. Now, three and a half years post-surgery, he is not only cancer-free but has also returned to his law practice while embracing an active lifestyle.

Life After Cancer

“My PSA levels are now nondetectable. I’m living life to the fullest and am thankful for the support from my wife and sister, as well as Dr. Maroni who restored my health,” Goodman shares enthusiastically. His personal victories include his daughter's engagement and his son’s recent college graduation, all reminders of the life he cherishes.

Advocacy for Prostate Health

Today, Goodman is driven by the desire to help others, advocating for regular PSA testing and encouraging men to embrace necessary examinations. He has taken an active role in his community, spreading awareness about prostate cancer screening and making himself available as a resource for those facing similar health concerns.

Appreciation for his journey has even led him to collaborate with a health clinic in Vail, refreshing its prostate cancer awareness campaign to target a younger audience.

Changing Perceptions

“It’s about altering public perception around prostate cancer risk,” Goodman asserts, highlighting representation in awareness initiatives. His commitment aligns with Dr. Maroni’s belief in the importance of early detection: “Prostate cancer is often seen as a disease of older men, but early diagnosis significantly enhances outcomes.”


John Goodman’s story isn’t just about overcoming cancer; it’s a call to action for men to prioritize their health and engage in preventive care. Don’t wait—get your PSA checked today!