
Heartbreak Post BTO Selection: What to Do Next in Singapore



Securing your own home in the densely populated city-state of Singapore is a monumental achievement, especially when young couples finally receive the exciting news about their Build-To-Order (BTO) application. However, what happens when love turns sour right after that life-changing moment?

The Dilemma

This dilemma was faced by a woman who turned to Reddit for advice after her relationship fell apart following the BTO selection. Having invested both emotionally and financially, she found herself at a loss. Despite the joy of choosing a flat together, the happiness quickly faded when she learned about her boyfriend’s infidelity—discovered through a direct message from the other woman on Instagram.

Navigating the Housing Process

The couple had paid the S$2,000 option fee for their selected flat but had yet to make the down payment. With the Housing and Development Board (HDB) granting them assistance, the woman was understandably anxious about how to navigate the situation, particularly since no official grant had been received yet and no communication from the HDB had occurred.

Seeking Advice

Seeking clarity, she asked if they both needed to attend the HDB in person and if there were specific documents to sign to initiate the cancellation process. She expressed her desire to resolve the situation swiftly, fearing that future communications—prompted by any grants or flat-related paperwork—would force her to interact with her ex-boyfriend again.

Community Support

Fortunately, the online community responded with a wealth of advice and support. One user suggested visiting the HDB website to cancel their application straight away, which was a straightforward approach. Additionally, since they had not finalized a Sales and Purchase Agreement, the woman would forfeit the S$2,000 option fee but would also be barred from applying for another BTO for a year, losing her priority status for future applications as well.

Finding Perspective

While dealing with this emotionally charged situation, many commenters reassured her that such experiences are quite common among expected homeowners. One response stood out: “Consider it an investment of $2k to dodge a lifelong commitment to someone unworthy.” This sentiment resonated with many readers, who highlighted the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being over material losses.


The experience serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of love and real estate in a high-stakes market like Singapore’s. It also emphasizes that while breaking up is hard, sometimes it can spare you from a future filled with regret. If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember you're not alone, and seeking guidance from trusted sources can clarify your path forward.