
Heartbreak and Heroism: Witness Describes the Tragic Kaki Bukit Fire Incident


SINGAPORE – The harrowing events of September 19 unfolded in the heart of Kaki Bukit, where a devastating fire claimed the lives of two men and left the local community in shock.

Ms. Vina Tai, a witness and owner of a car workshop adjacent to the blaze-ravaged signage company Amen International, recounted the horrifying moments that transpired.

Just moments after returning from a nearby coffee shop just before 1 PM, Ms. Tai spotted thick smoke billowing from the upper floors of the industrial building at 25 Kaki Bukit Road 4.

Alarmed, she immediately contacted the police and the Singapore Civil Defence Force, urging them to respond swiftly to the unfolding disaster.

As the fire escalated, employees from Amen International stood outside, anxiously waiting for news, while others in the vicinity gathered on a narrow street, witnessing the horrendous scene of chaos.

"People were still standing around as black smoke enveloped the fifth floor," Ms. Tai recalled, her voice trembling. "In the confusion, a staff member from a nearby carpentry shop informed me that two individuals were trapped inside."

Her heart sank when she heard the distressing last words of one of the victims: "There’s too much smoke, I can’t breathe."

The grim reality set in as the smoke rose, and attempts to reach the trapped individuals went unanswered.

Witnesses reported hearing several explosions emanating from inside Amen International, which heightened the urgency of the situation.

Tragically, the victims, aged 51 and 65, were later found unconscious in a furniture workshop across the hall. They had reportedly been visiting a friend—the owner of the business—for lunch when the fire erupted.

Despite immediate efforts by firefighters, who performed CPR on the men before rushing them to Changi General Hospital, both succumbed to their injuries.

Their untimely deaths sent waves of grief throughout the community, as many attempted to grapple with the unfolding tragedy.

As the police launched an investigation into the incident, they interrogated staff from Amen International for insights into the fire's origins.

While Ms. Tai’s workshop fortunately remained unscathed, the damage to the signage company was extensive, with soot-strewn remnants of furniture and charred items littering the ground.

In nearby workshops, the aftermath was evident.

Mr. Hong Koh Lieng, 63, recounted the panic when he was jolted awake by the toxic smoke seeping into his unit.

"I alerted my boss, and we evacuated immediately. Thankfully, we escaped uninjured," he stated, showing the remnants of the fire's impact on his premises, evident by the dark soot marking the ceiling.

As recovery efforts continue and investigations unfold, the Kaki Bukit fire serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the courage exhibited by the community in such dire moments.

The residents are also calling for further safety measures to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Stay tuned as more updates develop on this tragic incident and the community's response in the weeks to come.