
GSK's Groundbreaking Shift: From Treatment to Prevention for Healthy Ageing


The Rising Challenge of Ageing Populations

In today's world, the healthcare landscape is evolving due to an alarming increase in the ageing population. By the year 2050, a staggering 2.1 billion individuals are projected to be 60 years or older globally. This trend is particularly pronounced in Vietnam, where nearly 36% of the population is expected to be over 50 by 2035.

Currently, Vietnam is home to over 23 million people aged 50 and above—representing 21% of the total population. As we age, we face the looming threat of immunosenescence, a gradual decline in immune function. This decline heightens vulnerability to infectious diseases, cancers, cardiovascular issues, and neurological disorders. Older adults are at an increased risk of severe infections from illnesses like influenza, shingles, and pneumococcal disease, which could lead to immediate as well as long-term health complications. This growing burden is a critical concern for healthcare systems, elevating treatment costs and hospitalization rates significantly.

The Economic Impact of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

In the United States alone, vaccine-preventable diseases cost approximately $9 billion annually, with 95% of that figure attributable to direct medical costs. Alarmingly, 79% of these costs stem from diseases affecting unvaccinated adults. This alarming trend indicates that the economic and social burden of these diseases among individuals aged 50 and above is set to escalate drastically in the coming decades.

The Personal Consequence for the Elderly

The desire for healthy and natural ageing is universally shared among older adults, many of whom do not wish to impose a burden on their family members. While the pursuit of good health is a priority, many elderly individuals often overlook health risks or dismiss warning signs until it's too late.

Fortunately, as society evolves, so does our understanding of health maintenance through regular exercise, balanced diets, and healthy lifestyle choices. With advancements in science and technology, older adults are increasingly empowered to take proactive steps to prevent diseases, enabling what we term "healthy ageing."

Adult Vaccination: A Vital Role in Sustainable Societies

Vaccination is emerging as a fundamental solution for sustainably enhancing the quality of life for the elderly. The "silver economy" aims to improve the healthspan and overall living conditions for older adults, emphasizing the importance of preventing infectious diseases like shingles, hepatitis B, influenza, and more.

Shingles, a particularly concerning condition as it predominantly affects those over 50, stands out. With over 90% of this age group carrying the dormant chickenpox virus, the risk of shingles is significant, alongside potentially severe complications for those with pre-existing health issues. Hence, proactive disease prevention holds the key to minimizing this risk.

Moreover, the resurgence of measles, whooping cough, and diphtheria among adults in Vietnam highlights the urgent need for comprehensive immunization, not just for children, but for adults and the elderly as well.

Global Strategies Addressing Ageing Health Challenges

Countries with ageing populations are grappling with various health threats, including COVID-19, flu, RSV, and shingles, which contribute to increased hospitalizations and long-term health issues. For instance, RSV can lead to serious respiratory conditions, especially for those over 65.

Many developed nations have made substantial strides in providing comprehensive healthcare for the elderly, focusing on vaccination strategies to combat vaccine-preventable diseases. For example, shingles vaccinations are widely recommended and included within national immunization programs across several countries.

There is hope that Vietnam can rapidly adopt similar strategies and strive for a decade of healthy ageing. Increased public awareness around disease prevention will be pivotal in fostering a healthier society.

The Future of Healthcare: Technological Innovations

At GSK, we assert that prevention is the cornerstone of effective healthcare. Our commitment to advancing health through science and innovation has led to one of the world's most extensive vaccine portfolios, designed to shield individuals from infectious disease threats at every life stage.

The necessity for adult immunization, particularly among those with existing health conditions, will only grow. As we look to the future, vaccination programs will play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life and offering comprehensive protection for public health.

Celebrating Healthcare Advancements Together

On a related note, the UK's Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Vietnam, Mark Garnier, recently visited GSK's Ho Chi Minh City warehouse, showcasing the UK's continued engagement and collaboration in the healthcare sector within Vietnam, paving the way for future advancements together.

With the ongoing focus on prevention and improved healthcare strategies, the journey toward healthy ageing is not just a hope but an achievable reality. Stay tuned for more developments in this vital area of healthcare.