
Get Out of My Way!” – Food Delivery Rider’s Rude Response Sparks Outcry in Singapore



In a significant display of frustration over a recent encounter, a woman from Singapore has taken to social media to highlight the pressing need for mutual respect and consideration among all community members, particularly between food delivery riders and the public.

Jen Lim's Experience

Jen Lim shared her experience on the Facebook page COMPLAINT SINGAPORE on September 22, capturing the attention of netizens. She posted photos of a foodpanda motorcycle that was parked in an inappropriate location, blocking the way for her in-laws who were trying to alight from their vehicle.

Ms. Lim's Call for Consideration

In her post, Ms. Lim emphasized her understanding of the pressure food delivery riders face, acknowledging that they often race against the clock to meet their deadlines. She expressed her hope that these riders would reciprocate the public’s understanding with a similar level of consideration. However, her own experience proved otherwise.

The Incident

Ms. Lim recounted how she respectfully requested the rider to move his motorcycle to a designated parking area to facilitate her in-laws' exit. Instead of cooperating, the rider allegedly responded with a dismissive “get lost!” and merely shifted his bike to the side, still leaving the path obstructed for Ms. Lim’s family.

Community Response

Her post resonated with many individuals in the online community who expressed their outrage and disappointment at the rider's behavior. One commenter deemed the delivery rider's attitude unacceptable and recommended that Ms. Lim file a report through the OneService app for necessary action. Others joined the conversation, labeling the rider as “selfish” and echoing sentiments that such behavior reflects a deeper issue of declining courtesy in Singaporean society.

Reflection on Courtesy

A particularly poignant remark highlighted how the nation no longer embodies the spirit of politeness that was once championed by its founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew.


Following the incident, The Independent Singapore has reached out to both Ms. Lim and foodpanda for additional comments and any updates on the matter, as the conversation around courtesy and mutual respect continues to unfold in the vibrant city. As Singapore grapples with issues of social interaction in a bustling urban setting, the incident highlights the growing need for collective consideration and understanding in our everyday encounters.