
From Pain to Purpose: Newport Woman Conquers the Alps After Battling Pancreatic Cancer


From Pain to Purpose: Newport Woman Conquers the Alps After Battling Pancreatic Cancer

A brave woman from Newport has embarked on a remarkable trek through the Alps, turning her personal pain into a mission of awareness and fundraising after a harrowing journey with pancreatic cancer.

Dawn Clayton, now 60, experienced severe abdominal pain during a family vacation in Majorca back in 2014. Initially dismissing the discomfort as simple indigestion, she soon found herself needing hospitalization as her condition deteriorated. Tests revealed the shocking diagnosis: acute pancreatitis, and upon returning to the UK, Dawn underwent gallbladder removal surgery.

But the ordeal was far from over. The following year, faced with agonizing pain once again, she sought further medical attention. This time, doctors uncovered cancerous cysts on her pancreas. “I was terrified and in shock. Even with my nursing background, knowing what was happening didn’t make it any easier,” Dawn recalled.

Fortunately, the cancer was detected early, allowing her to undergo a radical Whipple procedure in Newcastle, which involved the removal of part of her pancreas along with other affected organs. After a rigorous recovery and a regimen of chemotherapy that lasted five months, Dawn was declared cancer-free for a significant period.

Driven by her passion for nursing, she re-enrolled in university to regain her practice registration. However, just as she was nearing the finish line, she experienced a familiar pain—only months after celebrating five years of being cancer-free. A subsequent examination revealed that pre-cancerous cysts had developed once again.

In January 2021, Dawn faced another challenging chapter as she underwent major surgeries to remove her pancreas and spleen. Today, she’s adapted to life without these vital organs and manages a new diabetes diagnosis, learning to navigate the changes with resilience.

Now, four years later, not letting her experiences define her, Dawn has successfully completed over 62 miles (100 kilometers) of trekking through the stunning landscapes of the Alps. Her goal? To raise vital funds for research and spread awareness about pancreatic cancer, a disease often unheard of until it's too late.

Pancreatic cancer is notorious for being asymptomatic in its early stages, and symptoms that do appear can often be misleading, complicating timely diagnosis. Understanding the gravity and nuances of pancreatic cancer is essential, as it affects thousands each year but receives less attention than some other more common cancers.

Dawn hopes her story will encourage others to listen to their bodies and not dismiss pain, and she continues to champion the importance of medical awareness. “I loved being a nurse and I want to ensure that people receive not just the best medical treatment, but also the best care and compassion,” she stated.

As Dawn gazes at the majestic peaks she has conquered, she embodies the spirit of survival and the quest to make a difference, proving that even after facing the darkest of times, it's possible to emerge stronger and more determined than ever.