
Elderly Man Sentenced to Jail for Brutal Attack on Wife Over Beer Dispute



In a shocking case from Singapore, a 77-year-old man has been sentenced to six weeks in prison after violently assaulting his wife during a heated argument fueled by alcohol. Low Poh Puay, also known as Edward, struck his wife with a bamboo pole following a dispute over his alleged interactions with a female beer promoter.

Details of the Incident

The incident occurred on November 10, 2022, when Low returned home intoxicated around 11:10 PM. Tensions flared as his wife, aged 66, confronted him about her suspicions regarding his conversations with the beer promoter at a nearby coffee shop. The argument escalated quickly as Low, infuriated, grabbed a mop and struck her head with the wooden pole.

Escalation of Violence

In a desperate attempt to defend herself, his wife retaliated by hitting Low's hands with a bamboo pole designated for laundry purposes. This led to a further escalation where Low took the attack to another level, hitting her multiple times on the head with a bamboo stick, resulting in serious injuries that included fractures to her nasal bone and left thumb, as well as significant bleeding.

Aftermath of the Incident

When he realized the severity of the situation, Low stopped the assault and called the police. Their son, witnessing the aftermath of the domestic violence, also called for an ambulance. Upon police arrival, Low was taken into custody, while his wife was hospitalized for eight days.

Mental Health Considerations

Remarkably, it was later revealed that Low's wife has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a condition she has likely been suffering from for an extended period, possibly without adequate treatment. Following her recovery in the hospital, she was transferred to the Institute of Mental Health on November 18, 2023, for further care.

Court Proceedings

During the court proceedings, the prosecution highlighted the aggravating factors surrounding the case, including Low's intoxication at the time of the offense. The prosecution also noted Low’s struggles with caregiver stress due to his wife's illness, as well as their son's mental health issues.


Despite facing serious charges that could have led to a lengthy prison sentence, Low was unrepresented in court and expressed remorse for his actions. He blamed his wife's perceived negativity as a contributing factor to the incident.

Legal Context

In Singapore, voluntarily causing hurt can lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment for up to three years and fines of up to S$5,000. In cases where the offender is in an intimate relationship with the victim, the court can impose even harsher sentences.


This disturbing incident raises important questions about domestic violence, mental health, and the support systems available to families dealing with such challenges. As societal awareness of these issues grows, the need for effective interventions and adequate mental health resources becomes increasingly crucial in preventing future tragedies.