
Don't Miss September's Spectacular Supermoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse!


Stargazers, get ready for a breathtaking celestial event!

A partial lunar eclipse coincides with a supermoon, offering a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle right in your backyard!

Viewing Information

This stunning phenomenon will be visible across North America and South America on Tuesday night, and for viewers in Europe and Africa, the cosmic display will unfold on Wednesday morning.

This particular partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth finds itself directly between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow that makes it appear as if the moon has taken a 'bite.'

Supermoon Details

Adding to the excitement, the moon will be closer to Earth than usual this month, resulting in a larger-than-life appearance that will leave you awestruck.

September features one of the last three supermoons of the year, making this an event you won’t want to miss!

Expert Insights

As Valerie Rapson, an esteemed astronomer at the State University of New York at Oneonta, explains, 'A little bit of the sun's light is being blocked, so the moon will appear slightly dimmer.'

NASA points out that lunar and solar eclipses align in our skies about four to seven times a year.

This September event is particularly special as it marks the second lunar eclipse of 2023, following a minor darkening that took place in March.

Just a few months ago, in April, a total solar eclipse plunged certain regions in North America into a magical darkness.

How to Observe

The good news? You won’t need any special equipment to witness this lunar wonder.

Feel free to gaze at the moon with the naked eye, or enhance your experience with binoculars or a telescope for a more intimate view of the celestial dance.

And here’s a pro tip for keen observers: If you want to catch the moon’s subtle shade changes, spend several hours outside or take intermittent glances throughout the evening.

According to KaChun Yu, curator at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 'From one minute to the next, you might not see much happening,' so patience is key!

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for an even more dramatic spectacle on March 13, when the moon will be totally eclipsed by the Earth's shadow, soaking in a mesmerizing red hue as sunlight filters through our atmosphere.


Prepare yourself to be dazzled—this extraordinary cosmic event will enchant both seasoned astronomers and curious novices alike!