Don't Miss It! Stunning Quadrantid Meteor Shower Set to Dazzle Sky Watchers This Weekend!
Author: Ming
Get ready to be amazed as the Quadrantid meteor shower makes its spectacular appearance!
According to the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT), this celestial event will light up the sky for stargazers from 2 AM until dawn this Saturday.
What makes this meteor shower so special?
NARIT shared that the radiant point—where the meteors seem to originate—lies amid three prominent constellations: Hercules, Boötes, and Draco. If you’re in the Northeast, you are in for the best show with a dazzling display of up to 80 meteors an hour at the peak of the shower!
When does the Quadrantid meteor shower occur?
The Quadrantid meteor shower is not just a one-night wonder; it occurs annually from December 28 to January 12, with its peak lighting up the night sky on January 3-4. So whether you're an amateur astronomer or just someone who enjoys a magical night under the stars, this is an event you won't want to miss!
Interesting fact about the Quadrantid meteor shower
Did you know the name 'Quadrantid' comes from the now-obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis? This constellation was established in 1795 but was eventually dropped from the official list by the International Astronomical Union in 1922. Its rich history adds an intriguing layer to this breathtaking meteor shower!
Preparation tips for the meteor shower
Prepare your blankets and binoculars for an unforgettable night! Make sure to check the weather forecast, and if you're lucky, you might just catch a shooting star!