
Discover the Stunning Microscopic Waves That 'Shape Life Itself' in Fly Embryos!



A breathtaking new video revealing the enchanting "waves" within a developing fly embryo has taken the crown at the 14th annual Nikon Small World in Motion competition.

This captivating footage showcases the intricate "mitotic waves" that occur during cell division, providing a glimpse into the foundational processes that create life—specifically in the common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster.

What are Mitotic Waves?

But what exactly are these "mitotic waves"? They play a crucial role in forming and organizing tissues during embryogenesis, a complex journey where a single, fertilized egg transforms into a fully developed multicellular organism.

Understanding these biological phenomena in fruit flies not only enriches our knowledge of insect development but also sheds light on critical processes that govern embryonic development across various animal species, including humans.

Insights from Research

Bruno Vellutini, a key researcher from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, captured this stunning footage.

He believes that insights derived from such basic research can hold significant implications for understanding human diseases, including neurological disorders, congenital defects, and even cancer.

The Winning Video

The winning video was selected from an impressive pool of 370 entries.

Vellutini utilized an advanced imaging technique called light sheet microscopy, which employs a focused sheet of laser light to illuminate samples.

This method allows for the creation of high-resolution 3D images of living cells and tissues, unveiling the hidden dynamics of life at an incredibly small scale.

Everyday Wonders

The magic doesn’t stop there.

Vellutini highlighted the salient fact that tiny fruit fly embryos—often unwittingly found in our homes, kitchens, and even compost bins—are undergoing these extraordinary processes right under our noses.

"The video is particularly impactful because it shows us how these fascinating cellular and tissue dynamics are happening every day, all around us—even in the most mundane living beings," he expressed.

Judges and Recognition

Judged by a panel of experts, including Eric Flem, Senior Manager of Communications and CRM at Nikon Instruments, the video was honored for its captivating portrayal of movement in the microscopic realm.

Flem emphasized that the footage truly deepens our understanding of the processes that shape life itself.


This remarkable discovery opens up a world of questions and possibilities for researchers.

Could studying these movements lead to breakthroughs in how we approach biology and medicine? The implications for science and health are nothing short of extraordinary.

Dive into the mesmerizing world of cellular dynamics and witness how they shape life all around you! Don't miss out on experiencing this hidden beauty—watch the video today!