
Discover the Game-Changing Features of Android 15's New Desktop Windowing on Tablets!



Android 15 is stepping into the spotlight with its latest Beta 2 release, featuring an exciting, game-changing addition for tablet users: a desktop-like windowing experience! This innovative developer preview is set to reshape how users interact with their favorite apps, delivering a level of multitasking prowess previously reserved for traditional computers.

New Desktop Windowing Feature

With the new desktop windowing feature, users can finally break free from the limitations of full-screen apps. Now, they can create "freeform windows" that allow multiple applications to be neatly organized on the screen. Imagine effortlessly resizing and repositioning app windows, allowing for tasks like comparing documents side by side, referencing vital information while drafting emails, and experiencing a new level of productivity on the go.

Enhanced System UI

The refreshed System UI that accompanies this feature brings a taskbar reminiscent of what we see on desktops, displaying all running applications and providing quick access to frequently used ones. Switching between the default full-screen mode and the new desktop windowing mode is now as easy as a click, encouraging users to leverage the power of multitasking at their fingertips.

Developer Adaptation

For developers, adapting to this exciting new capability will be crucial. They will need to optimize their apps for a variety of screen sizes and configurations, adhering to Google's Tier 2 support requirements for larger screens. This means implementing layout adjustments for different devices, while also ensuring compatibility with various input methods—be it a keyboard, mouse, or trackpad.

Understanding Tier 3 Apps

If you're wondering what Tier 3 apps are, they run solely in full screen, but developers must ensure that their interfaces adapt elegantly to the changing dimensions of freeform windows and remember layout configurations for users’ convenience. Plus, with the potential to run multiple instances of the same app simultaneously, users can now launch multiple sessions side by side, enhancing their workflow to unprecedented levels.

Drag-and-Drop Functionality

Another exciting prospect is the potential for drag-and-drop functionality, which allows users to share content between apps seamlessly—an essential feature for those who thrive on multitasking.


Set to redefine how we utilize our tablets, the desktop windowing feature is a major highlight of Android 15's QPR1 Beta 2 release. If you're eager to explore this revolutionary update, you can enable it by navigating to the "Enable freeform windows" option in "Developer options." Get ready to upgrade your tablet experience and supercharge your productivity—Android 15 is here to change the game!