
Debunking the Viral Claim: Moderna's mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Does NOT Cause Cancer! Find Out the Truth Now!



In recent weeks, a sensational meme has been circulating on social media, falsely asserting that Moderna has confirmed its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine causes cancer. However, this alarming claim is unfounded and misleading.

Lack of Confirmation from Moderna

First and foremost, there has been no admission or confirmation from Moderna that their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to cancer. If such a significant finding were true, it would have been splashed across headlines worldwide, causing public outrage, potential investigations, and a flurry of lawsuits. Yet, none of this transpired, as the assertion is entirely baseless.

Credibility of the Claims

The article that first propagated this rumor failed to present any credible evidence or reliable sources. This lack of substantiation raises red flags about the validity of the claim.

Misinterpretation of Patent Applications

Moreover, some proponents of this theory, like Robert Malone, have attempted to reference Moderna’s patent application (US 2019/0240317 A1) to support their argument. However, this patent is unrelated to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and does not provide any evidence of carcinogenic effects.

Scientific Understanding of Vaccines

It’s important to note that the assertion of vaccines causing insertional mutagenesis, which could lead to cancer, is scientifically unfounded. To date, no vaccines have been linked to such effects. In contrast, insertional mutagenesis can occur naturally when viral infections integrate their genomes with the host cell genome, posing a risk not associated with vaccine administration.


As the scientific community continues to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, misinformation like this one not only undermines public trust but also puts lives at risk. It's crucial to rely on verified information and consult scientific sources or healthcare professionals regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

Final Thoughts

Stay informed, stay safe, and don't fall for viral misinformation!