
Caught Off Guard: When Preschoolers Challenge a Reporter on Plastic Waste!



In a career that has seen me cover political summits and interview accomplished athletes, nothing could prepare me for an unexpected assignment—facing a room full of preschoolers who had prepared for me just as much as I had for them.

From Newsroom to Classroom

This intriguing encounter began a year earlier when CNA published an article during Plastic Free July, a global challenge promoting reduced plastic consumption. Reflecting on my own habits, I discovered that I had been unconsciously contributing to plastic waste due to forgetfulness and entrenched routines. The takeaway was clear: while some plastic use is unavoidable, there are always alternatives to dispose of or repurpose plastic responsibly.

Little did I know that my article would spark an invitation from Odyssey the Global Preschool, whose 4- and 5-year-olds were diving deep into the environmental impacts of plastic waste. Teacher Joanna Gan emphasized the importance of this issue, stating, “By starting these conversations early, we can instill beneficial habits for both their future and our planet.”

The preschoolers stumbled upon my article during their investigations, igniting their curiosity and leading to a lively classroom discussion surrounding the topic of plastic waste.

Facing Tough Questions from the Tiny Detectives

When the day arrived, I found myself seated in a semi-circle among ten bright-eyed preschoolers. The session began with friendly and basic inquiries about my job, such as “What do you do at work?” However, amidst the simple questions, things quickly escalated.

As their questions dug deeper, I felt the heat from thoughts I'd usually evade in adult interviews. “Why do you want to be a reporter?” struck a personal chord, making me reflect on my career choices and passions. I turned it around, asking what they wanted to be when they grow up, and I was met with responses like “teacher,” “navy officer,” and even "reporter," a tiny glimmer of hope for the future of journalism.

Yet, the session’s main focus was the environment and the pressing plastic dilemma. The kids lead me to consider my own actions when one boldly asked, “Why do you use so much plastic?” My answer felt inadequate as I confessed, “I never really thought about the environment and just lived my life normally.” Such a reality check revealed a stark difference between their awareness and my complacency.

They surprised me further by understanding complex ideas like micro-plastics and their effects on marine life. One child recounted how her mother now recycles contact lens blister packs, and another declared, “I bring my own bag when I go shopping because I don’t want to use plastic bags.” It was clear these kids fully grasped the necessity of reducing waste, showcasing an impressive level of awareness for their age.

Teacher Joanna Gan summed up the experience beautifully: “They were eager for this interview and excited to voice their thoughts. We hope they’ll realize their voices matter beyond the classroom, empowering them to be agents of change.”

Tomorrow's Eco-Warriors

This unforgettable experience has highlighted that even our youngest generations are becoming the torchbearers for sustainability. They not only challenge adults on their behaviors but are taking proactive steps to alter their lifestyles for the betterment of the planet.

While I may have entered the classroom to share insights, I left having learned invaluable lessons from these budding eco-warriors. In a world grappling with plastic pollution, their voices remind us that change begins with awareness and intention—one curious question at a time.

Let’s heed their call to action, because it’s clear that today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s leaders in environmental advocacy!