
Can Singaporeans Really Retire in Taiwan on Just $600,000? The Truth Behind the Dream!


SINGAPORE: Retirement is often seen as a time to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor, and for many Singaporeans, the dream of retiring abroad is an enticing prospect. With its beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and notably lower cost of living, Taiwan emerges as a top contender for those looking to stretch their savings further. However, the real question remains: Is retiring in Taiwan with a mere $600,000 genuinely feasible?

According to experts at, the practicality of retiring in Taiwan on this amount hinges on the lifestyle chosen and the local living expenses. Comparatively, Taiwan’s living costs are significantly lower than in Singapore, potentially allowing a budget of $600,000 to last longer than one might anticipate. Yet, it’s essential to recognize that this amount may not sustain a comfortable lifestyle indefinitely, particularly for those without supplementary income streams.

Voices of Singaporean Retirees in Taiwan

Many Singaporeans who have opted for retirement in Taiwan have shared their experiences, revealing both the positives and hurdles they encountered. One couple shared their insights on Salary.SG Forum, emphasizing how Taiwan’s affordable living made their retirement ambitions achievable. With a more reasonable expenditure structure, they found that their savings provided not just sustenance but a chance to engage in leisure activities and local explorations.

However, potential retirees should not underestimate the importance of healthcare costs; Taiwan’s medical system, while offering quality care, has expenses that differ from the ultra-efficient system in Singapore. Furthermore, the Taiwanese retirement framework combines public and private pensions, which might not deliver the same level of financial security as Singapore’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme.

An important survey cited by FocusTaiwan revealed that Taiwanese adults aged 50-64 estimate needing around NT$8.37 million (about US$275,245) to retire comfortably. This statistic could serve as a reference point for Singaporeans, suggesting that while $600,000 is a meaningful amount, it still requires strategic planning.

The Realities of Retirement: A Word of Caution

While it’s not impossible for Singaporeans to retire in Taiwan with $600,000, it necessitates meticulous planning and an honest evaluation of potential expenses. The enticing allure of Taiwan's cost of living can indeed make it manageable, yet diversifying one’s income or building additional savings is highly advisable for sustained financial security.

Ultimately, for those open to adjusting their lifestyle and embracing a more frugal approach, Taiwan can provide an inviting and potentially enriching retirement atmosphere. With its friendly locals and vibrant culture, many find that the quality of life may surpass their expectations—all while being kinder to their wallets. If you're considering this life-changing decision, be sure to weigh all factors and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime!