
Can a Family Survive on S$1,900 a Month in Singapore? One Father's Struggle Sparks Heated Debate



In the bustling city-state of Singapore, known for its vibrant economy and expensive living conditions, a local father's financial predicament has raised eyebrows and sparked discussion about the rising cost of living. With a monthly income of only S$1,900 after mandatory CPF deductions, he faces the daunting challenge of supporting his wife and child.

Desperate for Advice

Desperate for advice, the father turned to the online community on Reddit's r/askSingapore, expressing his concerns about managing finances on such a tight budget. He revealed that while his gross monthly salary is S$2,400, the deductions leave him with a mere S$1,900 to cover all household expenses. With bills surpassing S$500 each month, plus expenses for their child and transportation, the family's situation appears increasingly precarious.

Community Reactions

In response to his plea for guidance, many commenters echoed the sentiment that it is nearly impossible to adequately support a family of three on such limited finances. One participant lamented, "S$2,400 as a single might be manageable, but for a family, that's incredibly challenging." Another offered a more drastic suggestion: "Consider moving to Johor Bahru, Malaysia, where living costs are lower. At this rate, it might be your best option."

Others reflected on their own experiences, revealing that even living alone on a similar income led to a frugal lifestyle with little room for leisure or unexpected expenses. "When I earned around that amount, I didn’t do anything or go anywhere, and I was single!" shared one former resident.

Possible Solutions

However, not all hope was lost. A few insightful community members proposed that with meticulous budgeting and cutting down on non-essentials, the family could just manage. Suggestions included only buying discounted food, avoiding luxury items, and exploring more affordable housing options, perhaps sharing a home with roommates or family.

Moreover, one respondent highlighted government assistance programs available for families facing financial difficulties. "If your household income is less than S$800 per person per month, you might qualify for ComCare support to help with living costs," they wrote. They've also mentioned that the Ministry of Education (MOE) offers financial aid for children in need, including school fee waivers and meal subsidies for households earning under S$3,000.

The Bigger Picture

This father’s situation is reflective of a broader challenge faced by many Singaporeans, particularly in light of ongoing inflation and rising costs for essential goods and services. As Singapore contends with the dual pressures of economic growth and a competitive job market, the question looms large: how can families survive on dwindling incomes amidst soaring living costs?


In conclusion, while some offered pragmatic advice about budgeting and making sacrifices, the overall consensus remains concerning. Many locals are left wondering how families can truly thrive in a city with such high living standards, leading to further discussions about policies needed to ensure that all Singaporeans can achieve a decent standard of living.