
Can a Family of Three Survive on S$1,900 a Month in Singapore?



A significant dilemma grips a Singaporean father as he questions whether it’s feasible for his family of three to live on S$1,900 a month amidst the soaring cost of living in the city-state.

Context and Financial Constraints

This father, whose wife is currently unemployed, turned to the Reddit community r/askSingapore to seek financial advice, revealing that after mandatory contributions to the Central Provident Fund (CPF), his monthly take-home salary is just S$1,900. With fixed monthly expenses already totaling S$500, not including additional costs for their child or transportation, he’s left grappling with how to manage their finances.

Community Responses and Advice

He posed the question, "How would you manage with S$1,900 a month if you had a wife and a kid?" The responses poured in, many echoing a grim reality: supporting a family on such a salary is extremely challenging. One user lamented, “$2,400 a month is manageable for a single person, but for a family of three, that’s a tough situation.”

Suggestions for Survival

Suggestions ranged from the impractical to more constructive advice. One user humorously advised relocating to Johor Bahru (JB) in Malaysia, while others stressed the importance of thorough budgeting and reducing expenses wherever possible. Some offered tangible tips, urging the father to be frugal, make the most of discounts, and consider second-hand goods to stretch his budget.

Exploring Financial Assistance

There were also recommendations for exploring financial assistance programs, such as the ComCare scheme, which helps households earning under $800 per person per month. The Ministry of Education (MOE) provides further support for eligible families with school fees, meal, and transport subsidies for those earning less than $3,000.


Despite the bleak outlook presented by many, hope remains for families willing to adapt and plan strategically. While it might seem daunting, some believe that with strict budgeting and possibly taking on side jobs, it’s not impossible to scrape by.

The Larger Conversation

As Singapore continues to grapple with its surging living costs, stories like this highlight the real struggles faced by many citizens. It amplifies the discussion around financial wellness, the social safety net, and the growing need for support systems in a city known for its vibrant economy but also for its financial pressures. In a world where personal finance can easily spiral out of control, how are families like this one navigating the turmoil? The discourse on social media underscores a growing urgency to find workable solutions for living sustainably on a modest income in a rapidly evolving economic landscape.