
Brian Cox Sounds Alarm on Mental Health Crisis Linked to Desk Jobs in ASICS' Compelling PSA


Brian Cox Sounds Alarm on Mental Health Crisis Linked to Desk Jobs in ASICS' Compelling PSA

In a groundbreaking Public Service Announcement (PSA) ahead of World Mental Health Day on October 10, ASICS, the global sportswear brand, has brought on veteran actor Brian Cox to tackle a pressing, yet often overlooked issue: the detrimental effects of prolonged desk work on mental health.

Recent findings from ASICS's comprehensive "State of Mind" study highlight how our cognitive well-being can deteriorate sharply after just two hours of continuous desk-based work. With stress levels surging by a staggering 18% after four hours, the message is clear—sitting still is a silent killer to our mental state.

However, there's a silver lining. ASICS's innovative "Desk Break" experiment demonstrates that a mere 15 minutes of physical activity can counteract these negative effects dramatically. The research, conducted by Dr. Brendon Stubbs from King’s College London, found that incorporating short movement breaks significantly boosted participants' mental wellness. Scores on their State of Mind improved from 62 to an impressive 76 out of 100, with reported reductions in stress and enhancements in focus and productivity.

In the PSA, Brian Cox embodies the 'world's scariest boss,' underscoring the chilling consequences of being tethered to a desk. "Who would have thought that a desk could be scarier than some of the characters I've played?" Cox quips. He urges office workers to prioritize their mental health with the call to action: "Run, jump, roller skate—just move for your mind!"

The results of the Desk Break experiment are staggering. Regular movement breaks were shown to reduce stress levels by almost 15% and enhance productivity by over 33%. In fact, nearly 80% of participants expressed that they would feel more loyal to their employers if they were offered regular opportunities for movement during the workday.

As the campaign gains momentum, ASICS is inviting office workers worldwide to join the #DeskBreak movement. On World Mental Health Day, participants can post images of their empty desks as a creative way to raise awareness and funds for mental health charities.

Dr. Brendon Stubbs emphasizes the importance of these findings, stating, "The Desk Break experiment has shown us how impactful just a small amount of exercise can be in combating workplace stress."

Tomoko Koda, ASICS’s Managing Executive Officer, added, "Our studies clearly indicate that excessive time at a desk has alarming implications for mental health. We are dedicated to changing this narrative, encouraging movement that can rejuvenate both body and mind."

This bold initiative not only aims to foster a healthier work environment but also sheds light on the larger conversation about mental health in professional settings. With stress and anxiety levels at an all-time high, the urgency to incorporate movement into our workday has never been more critical.

Join the #DeskBreak movement—because your mind deserves it!