
Amateur Astronomer Uncovers Secrets of a Mysterious Spy Satellite!


Uncovering a Mystery

In an astonishing turn of events, an enthusiastic sky watcher from Austria has captured a remarkable photograph of a clandestine spacecraft, believed to be a top-secret satellite launched by the Pentagon.

Felix Schönbänker's Discovery

Astrophotographer Felix Schönbänker utilized his 14-inch Dobsonian telescope to snap an impressive image of the satellite known as USA 290. This endeavor showcases the extraordinary potential of amateur astronomers, as Schönbänker shares his stellar captures on AstroBin, a platform dedicated to amateur astrophotography.

Unique Design of USA 290

What sets USA 290 apart from its counterparts is its unusual design and orbit. Unlike the common KH-11 spy satellite models, Schönbänker observed that USA 290 boasts a distinctive large rectangular panel measuring around 5 meters long.

An Unconventional Orbit

Equally intriguing is the satellite's unconventional orbit. Most KH-11 satellites are deployed into sun-synchronous orbits, allowing them to pass over the same locations on Earth at fixed local times.

Features of the Captured Image

The captured image reveals another fascinating feature: a 16-foot-long panel, which may serve multiple functions, such as a solar panel, a radiator for cooling, or an array antenna for telecommunications.

Previous Encounters with Space Technologies

This event isn’t Schönbänker’s first encounter with elusive space technologies. Just last month, he managed to track a rare glimpse of China’s top-secret spaceplane.

Looking Ahead

As amateur astronomers and enthusiasts continue to peer into the cosmos, the unveiling of these hidden crafts only fuels the fascination with what lies beyond our planet.