
aespa's Winter Reveals the Secret to Staying on Top After Debut: Dedication and Self-Improvement!



In an exclusive feature for the October issue of Cosmopolitan, aespa's Winter showcased not only her stunning style but also her remarkable work ethic and dedication to her craft. Posing in elegant pieces from Polo Ralph Lauren, the idol captivated readers with her chic autumn looks while delving into her approach to performance and personal growth.

The Duality of Winter's Personality

During the interview, Winter shared the duality of her personalities as both a performer and an individual. “When I’m working, I’m calculating and reasonable,” she explained. “I plan my schedule meticulously, right down to transit times and tasks. Yet, when I’m off duty, I embrace spontaneity and sentimentality, often making last-minute plans with friends.”

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Perhaps the most striking aspect of Winter’s insight was her unwavering commitment to continuous improvement. “I never skip out on vocal and dance lessons. I pack my schedule with individual practice sessions. It might be stressful at times, but I can’t let myself be anything less than perfect. If I notice I’m lacking, I push myself to work until I reach that ideal,” Winter affirmed. She emphasized the importance of each performance, stating, “We’re on stage almost every day, but for some fans, it might be the only concert they ever attend. That’s why I give it my all each time, as if it were my last performance.”

Driving Ambitions

A powerhouse of self-reflection, Winter also discussed her driving ambitions. “I have a lot of goals, but rather than competing against others, I strive to compete against myself,” she stated. “Each day, I want to be better than I was yesterday.”


Winter’s no-nonsense approach serves as a reminder of the hard work behind the glamor of K-pop stardom. Her philosophy could inspire aspiring artists worldwide: it's not just about talent; it's about relentless dedication and the pursuit of excellence.

As the world eagerly anticipates more from aespa, Winter's insights shine brightly, proving that success in the music industry is rooted in commitment, perseverance, and a continual drive for self-betterment. Will we see more idol stars adopting this mindset? Only time will tell!