
63-Year-Old Scientist Claims to Have Reversed His Biological Age by 15 Years – Here's His Incredible Diet and Foods He Avoids!


Author: Siti

Dr. Eric Verdin's Incredible Claim

Dr. Eric Verdin, a notable longevity scientist and the CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, has captured attention by claiming to have reversed his biological age by as much as 15 years. With a chronological age of 68, tests indicate his biological markers suggest he is between 48 and 53 years old, a remarkable feat he credits largely to his lifestyle choices, particularly his diet.

The Mediterranean Diet: A Healthy Choice

Verdin's diet is firmly rooted in the principles of the Mediterranean lifestyle—rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins, particularly from fish. This acclaimed diet has been recognized as one of the healthiest ways to eat by U.S. News & World Report for eight consecutive years. "Populations adhering to this eating pattern are among the healthiest globally," Verdin asserts.

Monitoring Health