
5 Teens Taken Into Custody Following Disturbing Assault Video of Qihua Primary School Student


SINGAPORE: In a shocking turn of events, five teenagers have been arrested in connection with a disturbing video that surfaced online earlier this week, depicting a student from Qihua Primary School being brutally assaulted by an older boy.

On Wednesday, September 25, law enforcement officials confirmed they had identified the individuals involved, stating that the arrests were made for their suspected roles in an incident categorized as rioting. "The police take a serious view of such acts of violence and blatant disregard for the law," a police representative emphasized. "We will not hesitate to take action and deal with the offenders in accordance with the law."

The highly circulated four-minute video, which has garnered attention on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, features a teen clad in a black T-shirt and jeans mercilessly beating a smaller boy dressed in Qihua Primary’s uniform. Viewers are alarmed as the teen corners the victim in a stairwell, delivering punches and kicks and forcefully throwing him to the ground.

What makes the incident even more disturbing is the footage showing the aggressor demanding the boy to place his hands behind his back before landing further blows to his abdomen. Throughout the assault, the victim can be heard pleading, "sorry, sorry I won't do it again," while being taunted by the assailant and possibly another individual recording the horrific scene.

While the exact timing of the assault remains unclear, Qihua Primary School has acknowledged the situation, asserting that it is cooperating with authorities as the investigation unfolds. The school stressed, “The safety and well-being of our students is our priority. We have provided counseling to those affected and are actively working with the parents to secure the well-being of all parties involved.” Additionally, the school reminded students to support one another and report any bullying incidents to their teachers.

This distressing incident marked the second troubling video to emerge within a week.

Just days prior, another viral TikTok video showcased a student from Bukit View Secondary School being brutally mocked and kicked while encircled by at least five peers. This bullying case is also under police investigation.

Responding to inquiries regarding the Bukit View incident, the Ministry of Education expressed its commitment to tackling bullying in schools: “We take a serious view on any form of bullying.” Since 2013, incidents reported in schools have stabilized, averaging approximately two incidents per 1,000 primary students and five per 1,000 secondary students annually.

In instances of reported bullying, schools are mandated to conduct thorough investigations to discern the root causes of the behavior. The Ministry reassured that appropriate disciplinary measures would follow, alongside counseling support for both the victim and the perpetrator to help navigate the emotional fallout. This comprehensive approach is aimed at restoring relationships and fostering a safer school environment.

As these alarming events unfold, many are calling for increased awareness and preventive measures in schools to protect students from violence and bullying.

Will authorities take decisive steps to ensure the safety of students in Singapore? Stay tuned for updates as this situation develops.