
$1.50 for Extra Chilli? The Outrage Over Customer Service at Popular Chicken Rice Stall!


SINGAPORE: In a recent incident that has sparked heated discussions online, a customer expressed his frustration after being charged $1.50 for an additional packet of chilli sauce at a local chicken rice stall, even after spending a whopping $14.50 on his meal. The complaint surfaced on social media on September 13, igniting a firestorm of responses from fellow diners.

The disgruntled customer vented in the Facebook group ‘Complaint Singapore’, stating, “If you want to be stingy with chilli, don’t do business.” He went on to detail his experience, where the stall assistant informed him that each order of chicken rice was only entitled to one packet of the beloved condiment, with additional packets costing extra. “I asked for one more packet and was turned down. The assistant bluntly said you can only take one packet of chilli for one packet of chicken rice,” he recounted.

Despite trying to maintain politeness by addressing the assistant as “大哥” (big brother) and using courteous language, the customer felt dismissed by the assistant’s attitude. His frustration was compounded when he checked the stall's ratings and discovered a dismal average of only 1.9 stars.

As news of the incident spread, many Singaporeans chimed in with their own tales of poor customer service and the increasing cost of hawker food. One person recounted a similar scenario at Golden Mile Hawker where an elderly vendor refused to give two chopsticks for a shared meal, insisting on a one-to-one ratio. Others voiced their disbelief at the added charges for what many consider basic condiments, with one commenter stating, “These are the idiots we have doing business. They should know people like lots of chilli with their chicken rice. Happened to me before.”

However, amidst the chorus of complaints, there were defenders of the stall's practices. Some argued that businesses have the right to set their own policies regarding additional charges, especially given the rising costs of operation. A Reddit user noted, “It’s just chilli sauce. You must understand they are not giving it for free because of waste issues. People keep complaining but don’t think about the overhead they face.

Another defender pointed out the economic pressures hawkers face, claiming, "The landlord keeps increasing the rent. You pay $14.50 for chicken rice and $7 goes to the landlord."

This incident sheds light on a growing tension in Singapore’s vibrant hawker culture, where rising food prices and customer expectations collide. As the conversation continues, it’s clear that the issue of customer service and food pricing will remain a hot topic among diners and stall owners alike. Will this lead to a change in how hawkers manage their businesses, or will it just be another round of complaints? Only time will tell!