
The Surprising Truth About Dating for Single Boomers: A Rise in Sexual Activity and STIs!


As the dating landscape continues to evolve, older adults, particularly those in the baby boomer generation, are finding themselves navigating relationships and sexual encounters with a renewed vigor. Lisa Copeland, a Cleveland-area resident, epitomizes this shift. After two marriages—one lasting 24 years and another just two—she embraced single life at 50 and quickly learned that dating in her golden years was a different ballgame altogether.

Copeland, now 68, discovered that the focus has shifted from building a life with someone to prioritizing “fun and play.” Unfortunately, this evolving dating scene brings with it unexpected challenges, particularly regarding health. Recent studies reveal a troubling surge in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among older adults, outpacing increases in younger demographics.

A Rise in STIs Among Boomers: What’s Happening?

From 2012 to 2022, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that chlamydia cases among adults aged 55 and older exploded from just over 6,000 to nearly 20,000. Gonorrhea cases skyrocketed more than fourfold, while syphilis instances increased by seven times. This alarming trend reflects a broader issue: a lack of education and comfort surrounding sexual health discussions for older populations.

Many older adults are unaware of how to protect themselves against STIs, despite being sexually active for longer periods due to medical advancements and healthier lifestyles. With the popularity of dating apps, there is also a greater likelihood of casual encounters, often without disclosing sexual histories.

Breaking the Stigma: Conversations About Sexual Health

Experts emphasize the need for a cultural shift in how we view older adults and their sexual health. Janie Steckenrider, an associate professor at Loyola Marymount University, pointed out that the narrative around aging and sexuality must be normalized. “Older adults are sexually active, and interest in sex doesn’t stop with age,” she stated.

However, many seniors struggle to initiate discussions about sex, often feeling stigmatized or embarrassed. This reluctance is compounded by healthcare providers who may not routinely inquire about sexual health in older patients, further adding to the disconnect. “Doctors tend to assume that older adults are not sexually active,” Steckenrider added.

The Shift in Dating Dynamics

The dating environment for individuals over 50 can be complex. Approximately 30% of U.S. adults over 50 are single, primarily due to divorce or the loss of a spouse, and these individuals are increasingly turning to online platforms to meet potential partners. However, the risk of STIs heightens in this context. Many report that physical health discrepancies, such as the longer lifespan of women compared to men, often lead to a greater number of available male partners competing for the attention of a relatively smaller female dating pool.

With online dating on the rise, the need for awareness around safe sexual practices is paramount. Many older adults who enjoyed the “free love” ethos of earlier decades may neglect the awareness of protective measures like condoms, often assuming they’re no longer at risk.

Empowering Older Adults: Education and Awareness

To reverse the trend of rising STIs in the older population, increased awareness and education are crucial. Education programs can help demystify sexual health and promote fundamental practices such as regular STI testing and open discussions between partners about health status.

Organizations like the American Sexual Health Association are taking steps to encourage testing and provide vital resources to seniors. In fact, they recently launched a National Get Tested Day, distributing free home testing kits to facilitate confidential and convenient health checks.

Copeland, who created the website, advocates for a safe and enjoyable dating experience among older adults. She urges individuals to have forthright conversations with potential partners about safe sex practices to prevent the transmission of STIs, echoing the sentiment that fulfilling one’s sexual desires is both acceptable and healthy.

“It's okay to fulfill your hormones, but safety should always come first,” Copeland emphasizes, ensuring that enjoying romance does not come at the cost of one’s health.

Final Thoughts

As the dating landscape shifts, it’s time society recognizes the vibrant sexual lives of older adults. The stigma surrounding older individuals and their sexual health must be dismantled, making way for enlightening conversations that promote both pleasure and safety. After all, love and intimacy have no expiration date!