
The Surprising Effects of Eating Raw Garlic Daily for a Month


In a quest to explore unique dietary choices, I took a bold step and committed to eating a clove of raw garlic almost every day for an entire month. While I’ve done my fair share of quirky health experiments, this one certainly stood out as one of the most unexpected.

For years, I had steered clear of garlic, adhering to a strict elimination diet due to health issues. However, after falling in love with homemade pesto—a delicious combination of garlic, fresh basil, and pine nuts—I calculated that by including a head of garlic in each 500ml batch, I would consume around 25 cloves of raw garlic over the month. The results were both fascinating and a little overwhelming.

The Unexpected Benefits

1. **Enhanced Skin Clarity** One of the first changes I noticed was a remarkable improvement in my skin. Having battled hormonal acne for much of my adult life, I was thrilled to see a clearer complexion. Garlic is known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which could potentially combat acne-causing bacteria. While scientific evidence remains limited—such as a 2011 review from *Dermatol Reports* suggesting further research is needed—anecdotal reports have flooded social media, with many attributing clearer skin to a raw garlic diet. Roxana Ehsani, a registered dietitian, highlights that garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties may indeed contribute to better skin health.

2. **Digestive Adjustments** Having followed a low-FODMAP diet to alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the addition of raw garlic felt like a significant leap. Initially, I experienced some digestive discomfort, typical with the introduction of any high-FODMAP food. However, by the end of the month, my system seemed to adapt, highlighting the body's resilience. Ehsani notes that while raw garlic can trigger digestive upset in sensitive individuals, it also contains prebiotic fiber, promoting a healthy gut by nourishing beneficial bacteria.

3. **Garlic Breath—A Trade-Off** On the downside, I quickly learned about garlic breath. Despite my efforts to manage it, the lingering odor was undeniable and persistent—even beyond a thorough brushing! Ehsani explains that sulfur compounds in garlic are primarily responsible for the infamous garlic breath, making it a challenging companion in social settings.

Additional Benefits Worth Noting

Beyond these personal observations, the potential benefits of raw garlic are noteworthy. Ehsani mentions that garlic could bolster the immune system and has antiviral properties that might help fend off illness. It may also assist in lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it an appealing addition to various diets.

Final Thoughts

This month-long experiment with raw garlic was certainly eye-opening. From enhancing my skin to altering my digestive routine, while also introducing a humorous (and sometimes awkward) side effect with bad breath, the journey was both educational and entertaining. While incorporating raw garlic into your diet can have its perks, it's essential to be mindful of the individual responses—especially for those with digestive sensitivities.

So, would I recommend trying this? If you're looking for a potential health boost and can handle the aftereffects, perhaps take the plunge! After all, garlic might just be the secret ingredient your health routine has been missing. But remember—every clove comes with its trade-offs!