
Teen's Life-Altering Pain: How Insurance Denied Coverage for Critical Surgery


Preston's Passion for Lacrosse

When Preston Nafz was just 12 years old, he discovered his passion for lacrosse. His father, Lothar Nafz, recalls, “First practice, he came back and said, ‘Dad, I love it!’” Lacrosse became a central part of Preston's life, fueling his enthusiasm and energy in youth sports.

The Toll of Physical Activity

However, years of intense physical activity took a severe toll on Preston's body. His last lacrosse tournament was a turning point. He limped off the field with debilitating pain in his left hip, which soon hindered him from even the most basic activities like getting in and out of a car or turning over in bed. Now 17, Preston lamented, “I could barely do anything,” as the pain forced him to abandon the sport he loved.

Surgery and Insurance Challenges

In search of relief, a doctor recommended a surgical procedure known as sports hernia repair to address the damaged tissue in his pelvis that was presumed to be the source of his torment. However, the clinic informed Lothar that the procedure lacked a medical billing code, which would complicate efforts to secure insurance coverage. Urged to pay upfront, Lothar felt desperate, stating, “The surgery needed to be done.” He charged the entire amount—more than $7,000—on his credit cards.

Post-Surgery Outcome and Denial of Coverage

Preston underwent the surgery in November, and afterward, Lothar filed a claim with their insurer, anticipating reimbursement. However, the coverage was denied, resulting in mounting frustration.

Breaking Down the Costs

The final bill totaled $7,105, which included $480 for anesthesia, a $625 facility fee, and $6,000 for the surgery itself. Lothar initially received encouraging feedback from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, which typically covers most non-cosmetic procedures, but subsequent encounters proved disappointing.

Doctor's Support and Insurance Evasiveness

Despite assurances from Preston's doctor, who provided research backing the procedure's effectiveness, insurance representatives seemed evasive. With a limited number of orthopedic surgeons performing sports hernia repairs in the U.S., this lack of widespread acceptance likely contributed to the insurance company deeming the surgery 'experimental'.

Understanding Sports Hernia

Medical experts describe sports hernia, also known as 'athletic pubalgia,' as a generic term for pain in the lower groin or upper thigh area, exacerbated by athletic activity. The diverse underlying causes make it challenging to standardize a single surgical approach, resulting in the absence of a specific CPT code.

Recovery and Partial Reimbursement

After the surgery, Preston experienced improved pain relief, but recovery was harder and longer than he anticipated. By April, Lothar completed payment for the procedure, only to receive a check from their insurer for a partial reimbursement of $620.26 without any clear explanation.

A Call for Awareness and Advocacy

The situation serves as a critical reminder for patients to research their insurers' policies and billing codes before undergoing any medical procedure. AAPC's Leonta Williams emphasizes the importance of asking your insurer essential questions regarding reimbursements and service coverage associated with specific codes prior to treatment.

Navigating Complex Claims

Navigating insurance claims for procedures lacking a designated code can be challenging but isn’t impossible. Doctors can bill under an 'unlisted code' with thorough supporting documentation. As patients confront a healthcare system riddled with complexities, understanding your rights and being proactive are essential steps in safeguarding your health and finances.

Advocacy for Reforms

In a world where rising healthcare costs often put enormous stress on families, stories like Preston's highlight the pressing need for reforms in medical billing practices. If you have ever faced bewildering medical bills, remember, you're not alone—advocacy groups are ready to help you navigate this challenging landscape.