
Sonos Faces Backlash Over Flawed App Launch Amid Employee Outcry



In an explosive turn of events, Sonos unleashed a new version of its mobile app in May, only to find itself grappling with intense backlash from frustrated customers. The app’s release has been marred by persistent bugs and the removal of several beloved features, leading many users to voice their discontent.

The Lead-Up to the Launch

A deep dive by Bloomberg reveals the turbulent circumstances leading up to the app's launch. Sonos found itself in a bind, needing to revamp its app to accommodate the new Sonos Ace headphones. This overhaul was spurred by what the company termed 'technical debt,' a result of prioritizing the development of new features while neglecting to update legacy code. The decision to delay critical updates finally caught up with them as the introduction of new hardware necessitated a complete reworking of the app and its accompanying cloud infrastructure.

Internal Turmoil and Employee Concerns

Compounding the issue, Sonos underwent layoffs and an internal restructuring that disrupted established workflows. Employees became increasingly concerned as they recognized the app was far from ready for public release. Reports from former employees indicate that there was significant turmoil within the company as protests erupted ahead of the launch. In an environment of fear, workers felt they could not voice their concerns too strongly, fearing repercussions for their careers.

Legal Review and Launch Delays

Tensions were palpable, and the company’s lead attorney, Eddie Lazarus, conducted an internal review of the app’s development. He stated that the app's launch was delayed from early to late May 2024. Lazarus downplayed the chaos, insisting that no meetings devolved into 'yelling' or 'screaming.' However, despite Sonos' claims of having a priority list for essential bugs to address pre-launch, many critical issues were left unresolved, leading to a flawed user experience.

Financial Consequences of the Launch Blunder

As a result of this misstep, Sonos anticipates missing its annual revenue target by a staggering $200 million. The fallout has resulted in layoffs and the cancellation of yearly bonuses for remaining staff, reflecting the dire financial repercussions of the launch blunder.

CEO's Apology and Future Plans

In a rare moment of accountability, Sonos CEO Patrick Spence issued an apology to customers in July, promising regular updates aimed at fixing bugs and restoring missing features. The company briefly considered reverting to the previous app version but concluded it wasn’t feasible due to necessary updates to its cloud services.

Looking Forward: Delayed Product Launches

Looking forward, Sonos plans to delay two upcoming product launches initially scheduled for 2024 to redirect all resources toward rectifying the app issues. The company is reportedly mobilizing its top engineers to expedite these fixes, as it strives to regain the trust of its users and stabilize its reputation in a fiercely competitive market.


This crisis reflects broader challenges in tech, where maintaining legacy systems while innovating can create operational pitfalls. As Sonos navigates this tumultuous period, the attention will now shift to whether they can effectively address the concerns raised by both employees and customers.