
NFL Takes a Stand Against Hip-Drop Tackles: Four Players Fined in Week Two


In a bold move to enhance player safety, the NFL is intensifying its crackdown on hip-drop tackles, a controversial technique that has stirred considerable debate within the league. During Week Two of the current season, the league announced fines for four players due to their involvement in such tackles.

Chicago Bears linebacker T.J. Edwards, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Nick Bolton, and New York Jets captain C.J. Mosley were each fined $16,883 for their hip-drop tackles. Meanwhile, Los Angeles Rams’ defensive lineman Desjuan Johnson received a lesser fine of $5,191. While the league has yet to clarify the rationale behind the varying fine amounts, it is speculated that Johnson's tackle may have been deemed less egregious compared to those of his peers.

The NFL’s official definition of a hip-drop tackle describes it as a maneuver where a defender wraps up a ball carrier and then pivots, dropping their weight onto the legs of the ball carrier. This tactic has previously resulted in significant injuries, prompting the league's commitment to eliminate it from the game. However, players have voiced concerns about the ambiguous nature of what constitutes a hip-drop tackle and are wary about the consistency of its enforcement.

As the NFL strives to protect its players and maintain the integrity of the game, this heightened focus on hip-drop tackles highlights the ongoing challenge of balancing physicality with safety. Fans and analysts alike will be watching closely to see how these changes impact player behavior and the overall game dynamic as the season progresses. Will the NFL succeed in eradicating this controversial technique, or will it remain a point of contention in the ever-evolving discussion of player safety?

Stay tuned for updates!