
How an 11-Year-Old's Excruciating Pain Was Dismissed as 'Growing Pains' – A Terrifying Cancer Diagnosis Emerges!



At just 11 years old, Landon Motter was on the cusp of his teenage years and expected to be experiencing a typical growth spurt. However, as summer turned into the new school year in 2023, what began as a minor ache in his hip escalated into something much more sinister. Initially attributed to the excitement of go-karting during a family trip, Landon’s pain was swiftly dismissed by doctors as mere 'growing pains.'

The Escalation of Pain

As the weeks went by, the pain grew unbearable, disturbing Landon’s sleep and affecting his ability to participate in his favorite sport—soccer. Desperate for relief, his parents, Courtney and Blake Motter, turned to over-the-counter pain medications like Motrin. 'We were giving him Motrin basically around the clock,' Courtney recalled, explaining that the pain was so intense it caused Landon to cry out in the night.

A Devastating Diagnosis

The family’s distress deepened when, after consulting with multiple physicians—including a pediatrician and a sports medicine specialist—Landon underwent tests that showed no abnormalities. It was only after seeing a rheumatologist, who performed a bone biopsy, that the horrifying truth was revealed: Landon was battling stage four anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a rare and aggressive form of blood cancer.

Understanding ALCL

It's absolutely devastating to hear your child has cancer,' Blake Motter shared. 'You just immediately assume the worst.' This aggressive cancer type attacks the lymphatic system, and its symptoms often masquerade as more common health issues, making early diagnosis challenging.

Concerns About Rising Childhood Cancers

The surge in childhood cancers, including types like leukemia and lymphoma, has raised concerns among experts. Some suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to air pollution, excessive use of antibiotics, and diets high in ultra-processed foods could be contributing to this alarming trend.

Landon's Journey Through Treatment

The road ahead was fraught with challenges but also marked by resilience. Landon underwent six rounds of chemotherapy, each requiring an extended stay in the hospital. Despite the difficulty of treatment, he faced it with remarkable bravery, showing a maturity beyond his years, and expressed understanding that these sacrifices were necessary for his survival.

A Hopeful Recovery

Fortunately, as of spring 2024, Landon is now cancer-free! He continues to attend regular checkups, with doctors keeping a close eye on his recovery as relapses can occur in about ten percent of patients with his diagnosis.

Looking Forward

Now 12 years old and ready for seventh grade, Landon is more determined than ever. With a newfound zest for life and aspirations of making the football team, he and his family are celebrating not just his health but also their bond, a family strengthened by adversity.


This harrowing story serves as a stark reminder of the importance of listening to our bodies and seeking second opinions when faced with uncertainty. As Landon and his family look forward to the future, they remind us all that hope and determination can shine through even the darkest of times.