
Hong Kong's Image in Crisis: Bernard Chan Calls for Rebuilding Efforts Post-2019


Hong Kong's Image in Crisis

In a candid discussion on a recent radio program, Bernard Chan, the chairman of Our Hong Kong Foundation, emphasized the urgent need for Hong Kong to repair its tarnished international reputation, which has suffered significantly since the tumultuous events of 2019 and the subsequent pandemic.

Negative Perceptions

"The negative perceptions of Hong Kong are widespread," Chan noted, highlighting that many individuals outside the city still hold a poor impression of its current state. He urged local leaders and citizens to proactively communicate a more positive narrative to the global community. "We must find ways to invite people back to Hong Kong. Once they visit and experience the reality here, their impressions may change," he stated.

Economic Challenges

Beyond the damage to its global image, Hong Kong is also grappling with deep-rooted social tensions and emerging challenges, including foreign criticism and adverse media portrayals. Chan underscored that while these cyclical problems may eventually subside, the city must confront both short-term and long-term economic hurdles.

Innovative Solutions Needed

"We need innovative solutions from various sectors to maintain our competitiveness in an ever-evolving global market," Chan insisted. He pointed to a recent setback in trade relations with the United States, where a bill passed by the House of Representatives could hinder Hong Kong's Economic and Trade Offices situated in major cities like New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. This legislative move could further complicate Hong Kong's economic landscape.

The Importance of Dialogue

Despite the challenges posed by US political sentiment towards Hong Kong, Chan believes that fostering dialogue on non-political issues, such as climate change and public health, is crucial. "It's vital for the world to keep the lines of communication open. Avoiding discussions does not benefit anyone," he asserted.

A Call to Action

As Hong Kong navigates its path through these trials, the call for a concerted effort to rebuild connections and restore faith in its international standing has never been more critical. With proactive engagement, Hong Kong may find its way back to a place of influence and respect on the global stage.