
Hong Kong's Financial Secretary Champions Tech Innovation on Influential Visit to Spain


In a Bold Move for Hong Kong's Tech Sector, Financial Secretary Visits Spain!

Hong Kong's Financial Secretary, Mr. Paul Chan, has kicked off a significant visit to Madrid, Spain, aimed at fostering innovation and forging international partnerships. His arrival on September 22 marks the beginning of an initiative designed to elevate Hong Kong's standing in the global tech landscape.

Leading a delegation composed of local tech startups, Mr. Chan engaged with Spain's prominent innovation organization, Spain Startup. During this meeting, he connected with its visionary President, Ms. Maria Benjumea, and collaborated with representatives from the esteemed IE University of Spain. Notably, Spain Startup is celebrated for hosting the South Summit, an influential event that has been a beacon for startups, tech experts, investors, and entrepreneurs since its inception in 2012. The South Summit not only facilitates collaboration through startup competitions and workshops but also serves as a launching pad for international networking—now also extending its reach to Brazil.

During discussions, Spain Startup expressed potential interest in organizing an Asian version of the South Summit. Excitingly, Mr. Chan extended an invitation for this prestigious event to be held in Hong Kong. This opportunity would attract startups and investors from across the Mainland, especially from the flourishing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and beyond, showcasing Hong Kong as a vibrant tech hub.

Joining the delegation were notable figures like Mr. Albert Wong, CEO of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, and Mr. Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer of Cyberport, both of whom play pivotal roles in Hong Kong's innovation ecosystem.

Mr. Chan's engagement in Madrid is a crucial step as Hong Kong seeks to harness innovation-driven growth. The visit continues on September 23, with further discussions planned to explore collaboration avenues that could reshape the tech landscape.

This visit underscores Hong Kong's commitment to emerging as a leading player in the global technology sector, in line with broader strategic objectives aimed at enhancing competitiveness and attracting diverse investments. With the vision of transforming Hong Kong into a powerful innovation hub, the ramifications of Mr. Chan’s discussions in Spain could soon reverberate throughout Asia, setting the stage for a new era of entrepreneurial collaboration.

Stay tuned for more updates as Hong Kong forges new paths in the global tech arena!