
Hong Kong's Financial Resurgence: A Beacon of Resilience in the Global Market


Hong Kong Reclaims Its Status in Global Financial Centers Index

According to the latest Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI) report, released by the British Z/Yen Group and the China Development Institute in Shenzhen, Hong Kong has climbed to the third position worldwide and ranks first in the Asia-Pacific region. This renewal of prestige comes after Hong Kong experienced a significant decline over the past two years.

The biannual report assessed 121 financial centers and revealed that Hong Kong has soared to first in investment management and made notable strides in fintech services, moving up five spots to ninth place. The city also shined brightly in critical categories such as business environment, human capital, and infrastructure, reinforcing its status as a global financial hub.

"This year’s results reflect a restored confidence in Hong Kong's financial industry, showcasing its ability to adapt and thrive amid a rapidly changing global landscape," stated the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council.

Legislative Council member Shang Hailong commented that Hong Kong's return to the top three rankings was expected, citing the city's unique competitive advantages in financial services, largely fueled by the "one country, two systems" framework.

Liang Haiming, the president of the China Silk Road iValley Research Institute, emphasized that Hong Kong’s importance in the global financial system, especially within the Asia-Pacific region, is more pronounced than ever.

Hong Kong: A Dynamic Financial Super Connector

Over the years, Hong Kong has developed into a leading financial hub, providing unparalleled services across various sectors including banking, equities, and bond markets. The city enjoys profound support from mainland China and has established extensive connections with international markets, allowing it to act as a crucial "super connector."

Despite facing challenges such as social unrest in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic, and escalating geopolitical tensions, Hong Kong has proven its resilience. While some skeptics forecasted doom, suggesting capital would flee and predicting a decline in the city’s status as an international financial center, the GFCI report provides evidence to the contrary.

"As major banks continue to operate out of Hong Kong, we are witnessing financial professionals returning from markets like Singapore and Dubai, which had temporarily become their bases during the pandemic," stated George Chen, managing director at The Asia Group’s Hong Kong office. "Hong Kong remains competitive in the global financial race."

Xiao Geng, chairman of the Hong Kong Institution for International Finance, reinforced this narrative, asserting that, despite negative media portrayals, Hong Kong remains a prime magnet for foreign investment.

As of the end of 2023, assets under management in Hong Kong have grown approximately 2% compared to the previous year, totaling over 31 trillion Hong Kong dollars (about 4 trillion USD). Furthermore, net fund inflows surged to 390 billion Hong Kong dollars, marking a substantial year-on-year increase of over 3.4 times.

In a world where uncertainties loom, Hong Kong stands as a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the enduring appeal of financial stability. Its status as a leading global financial hub is not just a reflection of its past but a promise for its future—an enticing opportunity for investors and businesses worldwide. Keep an eye on this financial powerhouse as it continues to innovate and thrive!