
Hidden Hydrogen Treasure Beneath Our Feet: A Clean Energy Revolution Awaits!


Author: Yan


Scientists have uncovered a staggering amount of hydrogen deep within Earth's crust, revealing that even a small fraction of this resource could revolutionize our energy landscape for the next 200 years. Imagine a world free from fossil fuel dependency, powered instead by the abundant hydrogen lurking just below the surface!

Estimations and Comparisons

New research estimates Earth's underground reservoirs contain approximately 6.2 trillion tons (5.6 trillion metric tons) of hydrogen, which is 26 times greater than our known oil reserves, estimated at around 1.6 trillion barrels. However, the precise locations of these hydrogen caches remain a mystery, as much of it is likely situated too deep underground or offshore, and some deposits may be too small for economically viable extraction.

Expert Insights

Geoffrey Ellis, a petroleum geochemist at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the lead author of the study, emphasizes that even with these challenges, the potential for hydrogen as a clean energy source is monumental. “Just 2% of the hydrogen identified could meet our needs for achieving net-zero carbon emissions for a couple hundred years,” he stated. This amount is equivalent to 124 billion tons (112 billion metric tons) of gas, roughly doubling the energy stored in all known natural gas reserves on Earth.

Research Implications

The implications of this research, published on December 13 in the journal *Science Advances*, could be transformative. Hydrogen, known for its versatility, can fuel vehicles, power factories, and generate electricity, making it a cornerstone for a sustainable energy future.

Research Methodology

To arrive at their estimates, researchers evaluated the natural processes that generate hydrogen in rocks, notably through reactions that split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Ellis noted, “There are numerous processes capable of generating hydrogen, although most yield small quantities.” Recent discoveries in West Africa and an Albanian chromium mine have overturned the longstanding belief that hydrogen does not accumulate significantly underground.

Surprising Volumes

Ellis expressed surprise at the volume they estimated, stating, “There is indeed a considerable amount beneath our feet.” However, caution accompanies this excitement; the study points out considerable uncertainty, with estimates varying between 1 billion and 10 trillion tons of hydrogen. The most probable value, derived from their model, rests at 6.2 trillion tons.

Future Demand and Sustainability

As the world’s demand for hydrogen is forecasted to increase fivefold by 2050, the gas is poised to supply up to 30% of future energy needs in certain sectors. Currently generated through processes like water electrolysis, hydrogen can be derived as 'green' when renewable energy is used, or ‘blue’ when sourced from fossil fuels.

Advantages of Natural Hydrogen

A significant advantage lies in tapping natural hydrogen—it requires no external energy for production, as it exists ready for use in underground reservoirs. "We don't need to worry about energy storage," Ellis explained. Unlike green or blue hydrogen, which necessitate careful management of supply and demand, natural hydrogen can be accessed on demand with minimal hassle.

Ongoing Research

The quest for locating these hydrogen reserves continues. Ellis and his team are honing in on the geological characteristics necessary for underground hydrogen accumulations, with findings for the U.S. expected early next year.


The revelation of vast hidden hydrogen reserves may very well herald a new chapter in our quest for sustainable energy solutions. Could this natural resource be the key to a cleaner, greener future? Only time will reveal the answer!