
Earth Set to Welcome a 'Second Moon': Asteroid 2024 PT5 to Make Temporary Appearance!



Get ready for an astronomical event this weekend! NASA scientists have announced that Earth is poised to capture a tiny asteroid, whimsically referred to as a 'second moon.' This miniature celestial body, designated as 2024 PT5, will begin its brief journey around our planet this Sunday, bringing excitement to space enthusiasts and astronomers alike.

Asteroid 2024 PT5's Journey

According to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Horizons System, the captivating event will kick off at 15:54 EDT and will last until 11:43 EDT on November 25. During this time, 2024 PT5 will take a horseshoe-shaped path around Earth, remaining in our gravitational grasp for nearly two months before continuing on its trajectory around the sun.

Characteristics of 2024 PT5

Renowned astrophysicist Carlos de la Fuente Marcos from Universidad Complutense de Madrid explained that 2024 PT5 is a part of the Arjuna asteroid belt, a unique collection of space rocks that share similar orbits to Earth. Traveling at an astonishing speed of about 2,200 miles per hour, this asteroid will maintain a safe distance of approximately 2.8 million miles from our planet. In contrast, the average distance to our moon is around 238,855 miles, making 2024 PT5 a relatively close neighbor — albeit still much smaller, measuring roughly 37 feet in diameter compared to the moon's impressive 2,159 miles.

Visibility Challenges

Unfortunately, this tiny 'moon' will be challenging to spot with the naked eye. Its diminutive size and lack of brightness make it nearly invisible through standard amateur telescopes and binoculars. However, professionals using dedicated telescopes should have no issue catching a glimpse of this remarkable event.

Historical Context

Interestingly, mini-moon encounters are not unheard of; for instance, the asteroid 2022 NX1 has orbited Earth in 1981 and 2022, showcasing the dynamic nature of our solar system. Astronomer and podcaster Dr. Jennifer Millard emphasized the abundance of undiscovered celestial objects that populate our cosmic neighborhood, underscoring the significance of this year’s discovery of 2024 PT5.


So mark your calendars and keep your eyes to the skies this weekend! While you may not be able to catch a glimpse of the newly adopted miniature moon, the event serves as a reminder of the ever-busy nature of our solar system and the wonders still waiting to be discovered.