
DAC Beachcroft Makes Waves in Asia with New Hong Kong Office: What It Means for the Region


DAC Beachcroft Expands in Asia

In a bold move to strengthen its foothold in Asia, London-based legal powerhouse DAC Beachcroft (DACB) has officially inaugurated its Hong Kong office. This strategic expansion marks the firm's second presence in Asia, following the successful establishment of its Singapore office back in 2011.

Leadership and Expertise

Leading the charge in Hong Kong are partners Ross Risby and Wai Yue Loh, both seasoned legal experts with extensive experience in the fields of insurance, shipping, trading, and commodities. The new office is set to cater to a diverse client base, including major global insurers like Zurich Insurance Group and Allianz. Risby, who has relocated from London and boasts decades of experience in insurance law, is optimistic about expanding their portfolio, particularly in catering to local insurers in Hong Kong, stating, 'We have a more limited portfolio of local insurer clients but that is something we will be looking to expand.'

Loh, who also serves as a joint managing director at DACB's association firm in Singapore, Incisive Law, specializes in shipping, trade, and insurance law. His expertise in advising Chinese clients both domestically and abroad will be invaluable as DACB seeks to navigate the intricacies of the Hong Kong legal landscape.

Collaborative Framework and Demand

Before launching the new office, DACB had already built a collaborative framework with local Hong Kong firms. Their partnership with Oldham, Li & Nie in 2018 is one such highlight, illustrating their commitment to leveraging local expertise for multinational clients across Asia. However, the need for a physical presence in Hong Kong became imperative as Risby acknowledged the rising demand for Hong Kong-based legal advice, saying, 'What has become apparent in recent times is that there is more of that demand from more clients.'

Strategic Alliances

On September 24, representatives from the firm highlighted the dynamic trade relationships between China and Latin America, which predominantly flow through Hong Kong. This development underscores the significance of Hong Kong as a pivotal trading hub, further justifying DACB's decision to expand its operations there.

To reinforce their presence, DACB has also entered into an association with the newly established local law firm, CK Lee & Co. This strategic alliance aims to provide their clients with comprehensive access to both international and Hong Kong-specific legal counsel. CK Lee & Co will be headed by Kelvin Lee, a former partner at Ince & Co, noted for his expertise in coverage disputes and product liability insurance, with senior associate Will Chan lending additional support.

Future Prospects

Risby expressed anticipation regarding the partnership, stating, 'We are expecting our association with CK Lee & Co to commence imminently.' This collaboration is poised to maximize the legal offerings available to clients at DACB, enhancing their capability to tackle complex legal challenges in the region.

With this new office in Hong Kong, DAC Beachcroft is not only expanding its reach but also positioning itself as a key player in the rapidly evolving legal landscape of Asia, promising exciting opportunities for businesses and clients alike. Stay tuned to see how this strategic move will reshape the legal dynamics in the region!