
Urgent Warning: Stranded Turtles Found on Cornwall Beaches – What You Need to Know!


Author: Sophie

In an alarming development, residents of Cornwall are being warned against returning stranded turtles back into the sea. The Cornwall Wildlife Trust has received multiple reports of marine turtles washed ashore, urgently needing assistance.

Bex Allen, a marine conservation officer at the trust, has emphasized that well-meaning individuals who attempt to put these turtles back into the water may inadvertently increase their chances of drowning. "A quick phone call could save a turtle's life," Allen urged.

Cornish waters are generally too cold for these marine animals, making rapid response essential. If beachgoers encounter a turtle that appears stranded, they are urged to contact the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) for help. For deceased turtles, the Marine Strandings hotline should be contacted.

Allen explained, "It's not uncommon for marine turtles to wash up on our shores, and it's completely understandable that people want to help. However, it’s crucial to be informed about the correct actions to take in these situations."

In recent days, two turtles were spotted along the southeastern coast of Cornwall. Dan Jarvis from BDMLR reported that both of these turtles likely didn't survive, highlighting the importance of timely reporting. "We are working to raise awareness as there may still be turtles alive out there," he stated in an interview with BBC Radio Cornwall.

Authorities are calling on the community to stay vigilant as marine turtles are occasionally seen along the coast. Remember, if you spot one, contacting the right authorities could be the difference between life and death for these magnificent creatures. Stay informed and help protect our marine wildlife!