
Trudeau Discloses His Surprising Love for Star Wars and Appeals to Fans Everywhere


Trudeau's Unexpected Connection with Star Wars Fans

In a political landscape rife with disagreements over the carbon tax, health care, and soaring housing prices, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has found a rare point of connection with many Canadians: a shared appreciation for the Star Wars franchise, particularly the iconic film The Empire Strikes Back.

During a recent appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Trudeau's passion for George Lucas's universe shone through. The host, another self-proclaimed mega-fan of the series, even shared footage of a young Trudeau attending the 1983 premiere of Return of the Jedi, where a suited 12-year-old Trudeau was asked about the film. In a delightful throwback, he said, “It was better than The Empire Strikes Back,” a sentiment he humorously reassessed in adulthood by declaring, “Empire is the best Star Wars movie.”

Cultural Significance of Star Wars for Trudeau

This revelation coincided with a broader discussion about the evolution of Star Wars storytelling and Trudeau’s insights into the franchise over the years. The prime minister has consistently engaged with the series, referring to it as a significant part of his childhood. To him, Star Wars isn't just a cinematic experience; it’s a cultural touchstone shared across generations.

Fans may recall Trudeau's rankings of the films, shared during a 2015 Q&A with Huffington Post. There, he named his favorites as: The Empire Strikes Back, A New Hope, Return of the Jedi, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, pointing out that many fans collectively wish to forget The Phantom Menace.

Combining Politics with Fandom

As prime minister, Trudeau has not shied away from intertwining his love for Star Wars with his political identity. He hosted screening events for the younger audience at charities like the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, encouraging children to engage with the stories that shaped his youth. After watching The Force Awakens, he tweeted, “Spoiler: It was Amazing,” embodying the enthusiasm shared by many fans at the movie's premiere.

Reactions to Newer Releases

However, the recent The Rise of Skywalker provoked mixed reactions, even from Trudeau. Despite the film's lackluster reception by hardcore fans, he tweeted his support, further highlighting his optimism about new contributions to the franchise.

Admiration for New Narratives

Interestingly, Trudeau has also expressed admiration for newer Star Wars narratives, such as the critically acclaimed series Andor. In a podcast interview, he passionately recommended it as “everything that Star Wars could be and should be,” emphasizing its gritty and thoughtful storytelling as a fresh direction for the beloved saga.

Connecting with Canadians Through Star Wars

As Star Wars enthusiasts gear up for annual celebrations like May 4th, Trudeau is sure to leverage his fandom to connect with Canadians, solidifying his role as not just a leader but also a relatable figure who shares their cultural passions. Whether he’s still in office or not, he is likely to keep the spirit of Star Wars alive with messages and celebrations echoing the iconic franchise, further endearing himself to a generation that grew up with the epic tale of good versus evil.

Finding Common Ground in Politics

In the world of politics, finding common ground may seem like a daunting task, but when it comes to beloved film franchises like Star Wars, even the fiercest debates can take a backseat to nostalgia and shared admiration.