The 200-Year-Old Mystery Eruption Finally Unveiled!
Author: Charlotte
In a groundbreaking revelation, researchers from the University of St Andrews have solved a volcanic enigma that had left scientists scratching their heads for nearly two centuries. The giant eruption of 1831, which unleashed a torrent of sulfurous gases into the atmosphere, has now been traced back to its source—the Zavaritskii volcano, nestled on the remote Simushir Island within the disputed Kuril Islands.
Impact on Global Climate
This catastrophic eruption wasn't just a footnote in geological history; it triggered a dramatic global cooling of about 1°C, wreaking havoc on the climate and leading to widespread crop failures and devastating famines across the globe. Historical records highlight the impact of this extreme weather, with composer Felix Mendelssohn capturing the dire conditions during his 1831 journey through the Alps: "Desolate weather, it has rained again all night and all morning, it is as cold as in winter, there is already deep snow on the nearest hills…"