
Prepare for a Spectacular Night: Quadrantid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!


Author: Emily

Prepare for a Spectacular Night: Quadrantid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!

Astrophotography enthusiasts and stargazers, mark your calendars! The stunning Quadrantid meteor shower will put on a dazzling display tonight, visible to the naked eye from 2 AM until dawn. According to the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT), this celestial event offers the perfect opportunity to witness nature's fireworks.

The magic unfolds as meteors radiate from an area located among three prominent constellations: Hercules, Boötes, and Draco. Those situated in the Northeast will have the best vantage point, with projections estimating up to an astonishing 80 meteors per hour! It is an experience that no sky watcher will want to miss.

But what makes the Quadrantids unique? This annual spectacle can be seen from December 28 through January 12, with its peak occurring just before the sun rises on January 3-4. Its name, Quadrantid, originates from the now-defunct constellation Quadrans Muralis, which was established in 1795. Unfortunately, this constellation was removed from the official list by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, yet the meteor shower memories live on.

For those planning to catch a glimpse of these shooting stars, find a dark spot away from city lights, lay back, and keep your eyes peeled toward the sky. Bring along some snacks and cozy blankets to enjoy the show as the universe wows you with its brilliance. Will you capture the magic on your camera? Don’t forget to share your meteor shower photos online!

Stay tuned for more astronomical updates and mark this captivating event as a highlight of your new year!