
My Old Ass: A Magical Journey Through Time and Self-Discovery


"My Old Ass" is a poignant coming-of-age film that masterfully intertwines magical realism with an exploration of identity and personal growth. The storyline revolves around Elliott, an 18-year-old girl who finds herself in an extraordinary situation: she meets her 39-year-old self, a premise that adds layers of complexity to the narrative, but isn't to be mistaken for science fiction—it's a heartfelt narrative that transcends typical genre boundaries.

The film, written and directed by Megan Park, delves into themes of fate, choice, and the bittersweet nature of nostalgia. As Elliott navigates her teenage years on her family's rural cranberry farm in Canada, she dreams of escaping to the excitement of college life in Toronto. This journey of self-exploration begins on her 18th birthday when she and her friends indulge in hallucinogenic mushrooms, leading to an unexpected encounter with her future self, portrayed by the ever-charismatic Aubrey Plaza. This meeting sparks contemplation on the importance of the relationships she may take for granted, particularly with her mother and brothers.

Elliott's voyage is as much about the tattoo of loss as it is about the thrill of what lies ahead. As the younger version of herself, Maisy Stella delivers a remarkable performance, beautifully portraying the nuances of adolescence—the joy, confusion, and longing that come with it. Their interactions highlight an unusual yet captivating chemistry as they explore lessons about love and acceptance; Elliott grapples with her feelings for Chad (played by Percy Hynes White), an intriguing summer worker at her farm.

The humor, warmth, and sensitivity that characterize Park's storytelling make this film relatable. Critics have noted how the movie provides authentic emotional connections, making it easy to empathize with Elliott's journey of self-identity and familial ties. Plaza, known for her unique comedic style, complements Stella’s performance without overshadowing it, showcasing a grounded dynamic that feels real.

While the elements of time travel might prompt questions that remain unanswered—such as how past and future selves can interact—the film shifts its focus to a more profound contemplation of choices and consequences. Viewers are left to ponder their own journey, mirroring Elliott's struggles and realizations.

"My Old Ass" is a surprising gem, resonating deeply with audiences as it captures the essence of youth and the inevitable transitions toward adulthood. This film is not merely a story about time travel; it's a narrative about the moments that shape us, the relationships that matter, and ultimately, the realization that growth often comes from embracing both loss and nostalgia.

Catch "My Old Ass" when it hits theaters in 2024; it’s poised to spark conversations about life, identity, and the magical moments that shape our existence.