
Inspirational Couple Named Ambassadors for Alzheimer's Research UK


Couple's Journey with Alzheimer's

In a heartfelt display of resilience, a couple from Wolverhampton has been appointed as the new ambassadors for Alzheimer’s Research UK, highlighting their brave journey of coping with the disease together.

Frank and Alison Littleford's Advocacy

Frank and Alison Littleford have become prominent advocates for raising awareness about Alzheimer’s since Frank was diagnosed in 2020. Their commitment to supporting the charity's mission began in earnest in 2022, and they have since opened up about their experiences through numerous media appearances. Notably, they starred in a powerful film produced by the charity, which delves into the profound effects Alzheimer’s has had on their lives.

Expressions of Gratitude

Alison expressed the couple’s gratitude for the ambassadorial role, stating they were “delighted” and “incredibly humbled.” She commented on their manifold losses due to the disease, saying, “As Frank’s health deteriorates, we continue to experience heartbreak and hardships. However, our involvement with Alzheimer’s Research UK has been a significant highlight amid this sadness.”

Sharing Their Story

The couple has shared their personal story to shed light on what it truly means to live with Alzheimer’s, bringing a sense of purpose and focus to their lives. Alison added, “It has been vital for us to contribute to raising awareness and advocating for others like us.”

Recognition by Alzheimer's Research UK

Alzheimer’s Research UK recognizes the Littlefords’ dedication as part of a select group of ambassadors, which also includes notable figures such as Scott Mitchell, the late Dame Barbara Windsor’s widower, Iceland Food executive chairman Richard Walker, and actors Will Poulter and Ruth Wilson.

The Impact of Their Advocacy

Hilary Evans-Newton, the charity's chief executive, praised the couple's significant impact, noting, “Through their openness, they have not only illustrated the reality of living with dementia but also highlighted the hope that research brings.” She affirmed, “Supporters like Frank and Alison are crucial in our quest to find a cure.”

Inspiration and Hope

In a world increasingly aware of the struggles posed by Alzheimer’s, the Littlefords shine as beacons of hope and inspiration, encouraging others to come forward with their stories and fostering greater understanding about the disease. Their ongoing commitment serves as a reminder that even amid adversity, one can find purpose and make a difference.

Conclusion and Future Stories

Stay tuned for more uplifting stories as we follow the journey of the Littlefords and others fighting Alzheimer's.